Line Editing Made Simple

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Learn the secrets to hooking readers in seconds. This $9 mini course helps fiction and nonfiction authors to master their blurbs so they can draw in readers and sell more books. The course includes videos, a 50-page workbook, cheat sheets, and more tools.

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Line Editing Made Simple: 5 Days to More Polished Pages$0

Join more than 4,000 writers inside this free class. Here's what you'll learn:

Lesson 1: The one thing that will jump-start your editing 

Lesson 2: Three mistakes you may be making and what to do instead 

Lesson 3: Five little words you need to start cutting now 

Lesson 4: The truth about editing 

Lesson 5: Struggling with wordy sentences? This will help.

Bonus: The 10-step checklist you need in your editing arsenal.  

Bonus: Quiz to test what you've learned

It makes everything I write better
Lori Brack

"Though I submitted my essay 'A Blur in the Field' to a few literary journals without publication, I tried again with Cutleaf, but only AFTER I ran it through Stacy Juba's Line Editing Cheat Sheet. The essay was immediately accepted for publication and I was paid more for it than for any other piece I've published! I recommend Stacy's smart and helpful list. It makes everything I write better. (Of course I'm still using it!)." 

Thank you!
Harper Jewel

"Can't thank you enough for the 5-day course. My books and readers thank you, too."

Easy to follow
Valerie Miller

"This is a quick course that gives you several ways to improve your story. Easy to follow and love the Cheat Sheet."

Opened my eyes
Elli Hunt

"Your 5-day course opened my eyes to mistakes I didn't know existed."  

Fantastic tool
Lois Lewandowski

"The first lesson is a fantastic tool. It has given me a different approach to tweaking my manuscript..." 

  • Total payment
  • 1xLine Editing Made Simple: 5 Days to More Polished Pages$0

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